Buffalo Ministation HD-PNTU3 Series with shock absorsing chasis

Buffalo Ministation HD-PNTU3 Series with shock absorsing chasis - Buffalo Technology, a provider of design and manufacture of storage network solutions unveiled its newest product, the Buffalo Ministation HD-Series PNTU3. This product uses technology USB 3.0 and PC Turbo and Turbo Copy. 

Buffalo HD-PNTU3 offers high performance in a slim and lightweight with a size of 3.5 inches and 175 gr. with the support of USB 3.0 are also appropriate matching USB 2.0, 3 times the transfer speed of USB usually. "With USB 3.0, the data transfer speed is 3 times more cepa. If you're using a regular USB data transfer reaches 30-40 minutes, with USB 3.0, simply in a matter of a minute, "said Indra Prihantoro Bibs, Product Specialist, PT. ECS Indo Jaya, Jakarta.

In addition to the problem of data transfer speed, this product features a 3 element shock absorsing chassis, which is the up chassis, HDD, as well as the low chassis, which helps protect users from jolts and hard collisions. In a turn, demonstrated how the product was slammed several times, but once connected to the PC, there is no problem of data loss or not detected. To protect your data from unwanted access, this product comes with a 256-bit AES Full Disk Encryption. It's easy, in the Hardware menu stay updated, and Encryption written desired password, your data must be secured from the hands of ignorant. "Our experience, when a password is forgotten, the restore will not be fixed, for it not to forget the password," added Henry. 

Overall, the Buffalo HD-PNTU3 with USB 3.0, Turbo PC, as well as Turbo Copy, offer to the minority following the 3 benefits i.e. speed, Anti shock, and Hardware Encryption. "The trend of the hard drive to the front of it Yes, hardware encryption and anti shock," said Henry. For warranty, PT. Indo Jaya as distributor of ECS provides after-sales services for up to 3 years. "Warranty 3 years full replacement, his we replace the hardware," says Hendra. Are you interested in? Get ready to spend $ Rp700 thousand to get hard disk 500 GB capacity.

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