Google+ for iPad and iPod Touch

Google+ for iPad and iPod Touch - The Apple has stated that the application of social networking Google + iOS already updated to support iPad and iPod Touch devices. As quoted from ZD Net, Tuesday (9/8/2011), Google Announces social networking products at the end of June, and his version of the iOS is present in the application a period of less than one month later. But then, the application only supports new iPhone. 

Update to resolve a complaint before was present when the application Google iOS version launched for + iPad and iPod Touch. In addition to its ability to use on the iPad and iPod Touch, update the application also contains improved performance, stability, and other new settings. In addition, Google Apps + also allows users to view several circles in a specific contact their mobile streams, and others. 

Punit Soni, based on the writings of the Lead Product Manager of Google + Mobile, in posting a new version of Google + Google + for iPad and iPod Touch also works well for a beta version of the iOS is 5, the latest Apple OS to be released this year as well. Operational specifications for Google Apps + for iPod Touch and iPad requires at least iOS 4 to be able to walk.

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